European Commission
en English
Digitalisation of Construction SMEs


This project was set up to support the digitalisation of construction SMEs, foster their growth, enhance their productivity and efficiency, and prepare them for the challenges of an increasingly connected and digitalised world.

Who we are

The European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) and DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) had this website set-up as part of a project supporting the digitalisation of construction SMEs. The website acts as a one-stop-platform for construction SMEs providing them with materials supporting their digitalisation.

Service offer to SMEs

The services developed under this project aim at supporting the digitalisation of construction sector SMEs by improving the understanding of digitalisation covering technologies such as BIM, 3D printing and scanning, robotics, drones, sensors and IoT. We developed a digital maturity scan targeted at construction companies, available both in a quick-scan and an in-depth version. The scan allows companies to further their understanding of where they stand in terms of digitalisation and benchmark themselves against their peers. This is complemented by an interactive handbook that provides explanations on digital business models, technologies relevant to construction companies and step-by-step approaches to guide implementation. Further to this, best practices from companies across the constructions sector and EU Member States provide practical examples of companies that implemented digital solutions in their business. Finally, building on the materials and results obtained, training courses were given with the aim to generate immediate transformational benefits for a wide range of construction SMEs. 


Digitalisation entails several benefits in terms of job creation, modernisation, efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of companies. It can help address some of the challenges faced by the construction sector, such as the increasing demand for sustainable assets, the sheer size of some building projects, working with different contractors on the same project or the general shortage of skilled labour.
More specifically,

  • The digital maturity scan helps SMEs to evaluate their own level of digitalisation and benchmark the result against standards in the same country and in the same sub-sector. According to the result of the maturity scan, the user is directed to the relevant section of the handbook.
  • The interactive handbook serves as a guide for SMEs to increase their current level of digitalisation, suggesting the next steps to be taken and providing actionable recommendations.
  • Training courses were based upon the outcome of the scan and the handbook and directly helped Construction SMEs and their ecosystem to upskill and harmonise digitalisation support measures in the EU.​