European Commission
en English
Digitalisation of Construction SMEs

Interactive Digitalization Handbook

Interactive Handbook

Attention, before delving into the handbook, we recommend you to first do the Digital Maturity Scan. Based on your scan results you will receive a recommendation which handbook chapters are the most relevant to you.

Link to the Digital Maturity Scan

This handbook aims to enable the digitalisation of European construction SMEs. The handbook covers 4 dimensions:

  1. The digital innovation strategy: this concerns the digital transformation roadmap of an SME.
  2. The digital processes: this dimension focus on the digitalisation of the internal company processes such as financing, consumer contact etc.
  3. The digital ecosystem and culture: this concerns the employees within the organization and their role in the digital transformation.
  4. The digital technology enablers: these are the technologies earmarked as relevant for construction SMEs based on a former study for the European Commission. These technologies are 1. Building information modelling (BIM), 2. 3D printing, 3. automated robots (incl. exoskeletons), 4. drones, 5. 3D scanning, 6. sensors, and 7. Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile devices.

Disclaimer: Please note that this handbook contains external links to multiple information sources, which have been included solely for informational purposes to provide examples of technologies and products as well as sources for further reading. Therefore the information contained herein regarding specific use case, commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission nor by the authors of this handbook. In addition, the European Commission and authors are not liable for the nature, content, reliability and availability of external links.